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today I’ll tell you about a website called Videolectures.

This web site offers to all the actors from the scientific and education world to post videos of lectures. These videos are then visible to all for free.

The videos are often of good quality and the speaker makes the effort to speak clearly. They are mostly accompanied by additional documentation and support of the presentation that automatically scrolls! Various grades are associated with videos – as the clarity of explanations, their interest or the quality of the recording –  to allow you to not waste your time with videos of little interest.

The topics are varied but for now the predominant subjects deal with computers sciences (about 2,000 videos versus less than 500 for all other categories combined). This category is divided into many sub-categories such as “semantic web”, “data mining”, “information retrieval”, “artificial intelligence”, etc. …  You can watch videos on the CRFs, Bayesian systems, ontologies, convex optimization, etc. …

These videos were taken at several major conferences and are supported by examples by ACM so we can suppose most of them are of good quality.

To conclude, this site contains many interesting videos. However, most of them consist of several parts of one hour each and then finally see a presentation in its entirety can take the day (or more!)

Here is a link where the principle of the site is probably better presented :

and finally the link to the website : in which I advise you the tutorial part.


Hello everybody!

Welcome to my first personal blog.

My goal with this site is to talk about subjects that interest me, my thoughts and discoveries in my field of research (which is the automatic processing of natural language). It is also to point to my various works and publications that I do.
I invite you to leave comments, opinions and links to interesting things, etc.
I hope you find interest in reading.

PS: I apologize now for the bad quality of my english …